Friday, July 6, 2007

Happy 4th of July!

Hope everyone had a fun 4th of July! Ours was pretty boring for the most part. We didn't plan anything spectacular. Went to the annual Honeyville Fire Department Pancake Breakfast then I took Jess down to meet Katie, Jed and Lucas in Bountiful. She was exercising her "Independence" and bought their car from them. She needs a more reliable car for college. We were hoping to get back for the parade but it was over - (lasted 20 minutes!). Jessi and a friend went to a movie and the fireworks but we stayed home. We could see some of the fireworks from our house.
We took a ride last night up to the Call Reunion. (AC and Shara couldn't go to it so we thought we would!). We wanted to check out the place for future reunions. Very nice place. It's the Little Bear River Resort in Paradise, UT. We had dinner with them and had a very nice visit. Thanks Calls for inviting us over!
Mark had been off this week from LaZBoy. It's felt like Saturday everyday! He has been busy fixing boots and making bedrolls. Trying to get caught up a little.
We are anxiously awaiting the phone call from Katie and Jed. Nothing yet. Maybe today!
We had good news from Tawnya and Landon. Their baby is a girl! Now I can do more pink blankets!


The Valentine Fam said...

Sounds pretty much like our day! Hopefully dad has been able to get all caught up. Jed told me last night that every time I call him, he gets really nervous!!

Aaron.Shara.Abby said...

Sounds like a pretty uneventful day. Those days are nice though!