Monday, September 17, 2007


We had a busy, fun weekend. Our little grandson, Kody, was blessed on Saturday. There just wasn't a Sunday that both families could be there so they got permission to bless him on Saturday. It was a very nice evening. (see Katie's blog for darling pictures). We had planned to go down on Friday but Mark had another one of his "episodes" and ended up in the hospital for the day. Of course, the tests show nothing is wrong - again. I guess that's good. It sure is scarry at the time though. He got another ambulance ride!
We came back Sat. night from Katie and Jed's. We had to be back for our meetings on Sunday.
Grandpa Grant had a fun weekend also. He was able to go on the "Heroes" flight to Washington, D.C. for WWII veterans. They left Friday and came back Sunday. He said he had a great time and was so glad he got to go. Clint, (our nephew) met him there and was able to help him get around. I know he was very grateful for that (and so were we)- thanks Clint!
I've been trying to get packed for my trip - I don't enjoy packing so it takes me a long time.
I'm flying to Boston on Wednesday to help Shara with her baby. Hopefully she'll be here by then! Tawnya is coming with me which will be nice. It's much nicer to travel with someone.

1 comment:

Aaron.Shara.Abby said...

Fun weekend. It's now Tuesday morning and NO baby! I hope my doc starts me today!