Friday, October 18, 2013


Tawnya and the kids were coming up for a visit so Shara wanted to surprise her by coming too!  It was so hard to keep it quiet but we were able to pull it off!  Boyd went to pick up Shara and Navy at the Ogden Airport Friday morning.  Shara and I were texting to make sure Tawnya wouldn’t see them drive in.  I asked Tawnya to help me get some stuff out of my closet so when she turned around Shara was standing in the doorway.  Tawnya screamed and burst into tears (as did all of us!).  It was pretty awesome!  Wish we could have video taped it. 

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Katie and Nappy came up on Saturday so we did an early impromptu birthday celebration for Shara, Katie and Reese. 

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We had such a good time together in a short amount of time. Our little Navy seemed so big compared to Reagan!  They are two cute little babies. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

#11…Straight from Heaven

Our sweet little Reagan Kay (#11) came straight from heaven on Oct. 4, 2013.  She is adorable and perfect as ever.  There is just nothing more precious and sweet as a brand new baby!  Her brother and sister think she’s pretty awesome.   

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She was  just a couple of hours old by the time we got to see her!

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My oldest and youngest grandkids.  Lucas is such a great example to all of his younger cousins.  He’s 8 years old (soon to be 9) in these pictures. 

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Reese and Bronson couldn’t wait to get her home!  This baby never got put down! 

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Love our “Laundry basket bed”.    Love my swaddled little precious Reagan.