Saturday, January 3, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Mark, Jessica and I headed south for Christmas this year. This was our "off" year with the kids so we decided to go see the Call's and Clouse's. We had a great time playing with Abby and watching her Christmas morning. After opening gifts we had Bubble Bread and Russian Tea. We spent Christmas Eve with my mom and dad and we had Christmas dinner with the Germaines. Jessica had to fly back to Utah the 26th so I don't have any pictures of her. (I obviously didn't take any Christmas morning! (look at Shara's blog). It rained most of Christmas day and then it was beautiful the rest of the time. We picked oranges from Max and Jeanie's orchard to bring back -thanks so much! We are still enjoying the fresh OJ every morning.

Miss Baby Blue Eyes
Watching Gramps with his new toy!
So adorable in her Christmas Dress(with gold beads from Vegas!)
Grama and Abby (notice the grass!)
Gramps and Abby after church
4 Generations

(Tried to delete this one - still don't know how!)
Shara and AC rockin' out!
We left early Monday morning (29th) and drove all the way to Spanish Fork/Springville. Tawnya had dinner ready for us and then they all played Rock Band. We spent the night with the Valentine's and headed home the next day.
Tawnya, Reese and Lucas came up New Year's Eve to spend a few days - Lucas helped Gramps scrape the driveway (even though he wasn't feeling too good). We had lots of fun playing games New Year's Eve with Nancy and Melissa.
Lucas took these two pictures - pretty good little photographer I'd say - (even though I had to delete about 50 other ones!)
As you can see we've had a very busy, eventful, lots of driving, lots of fun, food, family time, lovely gifts, and now it's back to work and school!


The Valentine Fam said...

You definitely had a busy holiday, but lots of fun! Thanks for letting Lucas come stay. As always, he's in heaven with you two! Sorry he was a bit sicky! Love ya.

Marsha said...

So fun to see you! Cute Christmas pictures.

Anonymous said...

Awww, looks like you've had a great Christmas! Grandma's party looked fun too bad we are too chicken to drive anywhere in the snow . We heard all the stories of how long it took everyone to get there.