Sunday, February 8, 2009

Bargains of the Week

I've never been fond of shopping at DI (Deseret Industries) - although I am a continual donor. I stopped in the other day looking for a Scrabble game and decided to browse for a minute. I came across a Scrabble game for a buck. (kept the tiles - threw the rest away) - I also found a lamp that I really liked and a new teapot to set on our wood burning stove.
Yesterday I decided to stop again looking for a clock - found it...and....also found another lamp....and a basket! All this for 10 bucks!
I've become a bargain shopper!!!
(I would have posted pictures but I'm afraid someone will recognize my "new" purchases and want them back!!!)


grandma Deb said...

I love it!!! I want to go next time. I love to go there and look for the expensive stuff that people give up. I can't ever get anybody to go with me so lets go. luv ya!

Tawnya said...

You go woman! Can't wait to see the new things

Anonymous said...

That's funny. I'm in search for an antique looking couch for photography. No luck around these parts. lol

Anonymous said...

Wow that'a awesome. I love bargain shopping! Too bad we don't have one of those closer to here.