Sunday, October 14, 2007


I was able to go see my parents and some of my family the first part of October. My mom and dad are getting older and I needed to go see them. Katie was already down there and then went to Mexico with her in-laws for a "Girls Getaway". She left Lucas at my mom's so I helped watch him! We went up to Heber to Max and Jeanie's "cabin" (it's a very nice home) for conference weekend. It was very cool weather up there and we had a great time. Nyla was able to drive over and be there with us. It's always so nice to see my family. I had a great time being with them.
Grandma Great, Lucas and Grandma Carole Grandma Great, Lucas and Katie

Playing with all the animals. He loved, loved, LOVED playing with them - thanks Grama Jeanie!
Jeanie, Nyla, Mom and Me. (The power went out so Jeanie had wet hair!)
Indian petroglyphs. (We climbed up this little trail to see these - we even took Lucas up there - crazy us!)
Looking for my favorite rock (on our way to see the llamas.)
Nyla, Jeanie and Lynsee hunting for rocks - (a little bit of our Grandma coming out in them!)
They actually found a piece of petrified wood that was very pretty.
Calling the Llamas over - they wouldn't come! (Nyla, Jeanie, Lynsee and Lucas

"Grama" Jeanie showing me the horses on our walk.
Not a very big playpen!
Lucas in the cage with "Fuzz". The puppy's name is really Fizz but Lucas called him Fuzz.


The Valentine Fam said...

Thanks for all your help with Lucas in Arizona. Looks like you had a lot of fun at the cabin.

Tawnya said...

Looks like fun! What a fun grandma you are. Our kids are so lucky to have you for their g-ma!

Aaron.Shara.Abby said...

How fun and tiring I am sure! Lucas was glad to have you there I am sure of it!